Celebrating Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
Today marks the beginning of Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AA and NHPI) Heritage Month, a time to celebrate and recognize the meaningful contributions of the AA and NHPI community across the United States. This month and beyond, we are committed to empowering and advocating for the many cultures within the AA and NHPI Community and will use our platforms to spotlight them.
Explore how VS&Co plans to celebrate Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month.
Associate Celebrations
At Victoria’s Secret & Co., celebrating Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Heritage month begins internally with our associates.
Our associate-led Inclusion Resource Group, ALL IN, the Asian Learning, Leadership & Innovation Network, was inspired by the theme of wellness 360 – focusing on physical, emotional, social, intellectual well-being and incorporating mindfulness techniques to foster wellness.
During the month, ALL IN is hosting a variety of events centered on wellness 360. We welcome all associates to participate in a workshop focused on breaking through barriers and increasing performance visibility, a social hour featuring activities, food and drinks and more.
Additionally, in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, which is also this month, ALL IN will offer a live virtual Q&A session for associates with two leading Asian-American psychiatrists, Emily Fu and Manisha Shenva. The conversation will explore the world of mental health help/resources and discuss how to navigate mental health conversations despite cultural stigmas.
Continuing Our Year-round Partnership
Furthering our belief in championing diversity, equity and inclusion, ALL IN has continued their year-round partnership with a Central Ohio based nonprofit, Asian American Community Services.
We will continue to invest in the mental health and social emotional support workshops in partnership with the AACS’s Healthy Asian Youth (HAY) Program. Our support will provide students with packaged meals, weekly groceries, tutoring, physical enrichment activities, life skills support and more to help support positive mental health.
United by a shared mission, associates will continue to serve as volunteers, mentors and speakers and provide financial support to AACS in their commitment to providing advocacy, access, community development and other services to the Asian, Asian American and Pacific Islander communities in our home office community of Columbus, Ohio.
Leveraging our Platforms to Drive Positive Change
From championing mental health to showcasing changemakers, and everything in between, we are honored to use our Victoria’s Secret and PINK platforms to amplify a few of the many trailblazer leaders and organizations from the Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander community.
This month, we are launching a dynamic video series titled “WE STAND WITH” to spotlight our IRG-led philanthropic partnerships. We are kicking off the video series by showcasing our partnership with the AACS and highlighting the impact we’ve made together. The video will also feature voices from our ALL IN IRG and beautiful illustrations by Amrita Marino, a talented artist who is a part of the AA and NHPI community.
Additionally, we will highlight inspiring individuals from the AA and NHPI community to amplify their voices and learn about what makes them remarkable.
Investing in Connection
VS&Co is honored to begin a new partnership with the Gold House, an organization that champions the AAPI community to lead and thrive in culture and commerce through unity, opportunities and promotion.
The Gold House will host their first-ever Gold Women’s Brunch focused on connecting and supporting the most powerful Asian Pacific women in executive and creative leadership, which VS&Co will sponsor.
Additionally, The Gold House will host their annual Gold Gala, a private event that honors AA and NHPI achievements. We’re thrilled to send a few key talent partners to the event to experience the powerful Gala for themselves and share their experience on social.